2013-01-22 22:14:29 【来源:】 点击:


                                      【责任编辑 丁明俊】

       Hui People’s Diplomatic Events for International Support During
                the War of Resistance Against Japan
                         DA Hui-zhong
(Editorial Department of the Journal of Gansu Water Conservancy,Lanzhou 730000,China)

  Abstract:After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan,under the great support from China Islam Association for Saving the Nation,many patriots among Hui people set up China Islam Visiting Delegation to Near East and China Islam Visiting Delegation to Southeast Asia,or personally went to Muslim’s regions to advocate resistant activities against Japan,esposed Japanese aggressors’ false background,called on Muslims to resist Japanese goods and break off diplomatic relationship with Japan,and supported Chinese just fight against Japan as wellBecause of their effort,they gained support from the majority of Muslim countries and got good social effect in return It makes Muslims world to mornally and physically support Chinese War Against Japan,and results in widespread attention from all social circles;therefore,it is full of deep historical meanings
  Key words:the War of Resistance Against Japan;Hui people;diplomatic events





责任编辑 :奥斯玛廼

热门关键词: 抗战 时期 回族

上一篇:青海河湟穆斯林书画研究院 第二届领导班子调整名单
